NCRWA's Membership Directory in hardcopy form. Complete list of NCRWA members at time of publishing. Includes mailing address, phone number and contact name
8"x12" Plastic Federal Offense Warning Sign. Price includes shipping.
Published March, 2000. Copywrite Kansas Rural Water Association, 2000. "The Operator's Handbook: Facts, Fugures & More is dedicated to the thousands of water and wastwater utility operators nationally. From pipes and piping to basic math, this handbook presents fast look-up information, graphs, tables, charts, equations and formulas. The goal? To save time for these very busy people. Their unsung work supports our entire nation's lifestyles, livelihoods, and livability."
The purpose of this handbook: "To aid board/council members and utility employees who are stewards of your communities. You have been entrusted with providing a critical service and protecting the public's investment. This handbook was written for board members, mayors, city council members and utility employees. We hope you use it as a measuring stick to see how your system is doing today- and where you could improve." Price includes shipping.